Dead birds, dead fish, now 40,000 dead ‘devil’ crabs in Britain (video)
There has been a recent slew of wildlife dying in mass, including birds and fish in Arkansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Brazil, New Zealand, and Sweden. Over the weekend, another mass death occurred in Britain as thousands of crabs washed ashore.
About 40,000 Velvet or ‘devil’ crabs dotted British shores Sunday, according to The Guardian.
Experts believe the crab deaths and the New Zealand fish found dead in New Zealand's Chesapeake Bay are due to nothing more than record cold temperatures.
“We suspect that climate change and warmer weather has lured the crabs towards the shoreline,” said Coastal Warden Tony Sykes.
The other incidences of recent mass wildlife deaths are still being examined, however, the U.S. Geological Survey notes there may be as many as 16 cases in the last 20 years of larger numbers of blackbirds dying in mass.
Experts also note that fish kills are quite common and may be due to disease or human causes such as the dumping of hazardous waste.
Currently, scientists theorize the 5,000 blackbird deaths on New Year’s Eve in Arkansas were due to the birds becoming confused and frightened by fireworks.
To see a video report regarding the crab deaths in Britain, click on the video player to the left of this article, or click here.
To see coverage of the Arkansas and Louisiana incidents by NBC Nightly News, click here, and here.
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There has been a recent slew of wildlife dying in mass, including birds and fish in Arkansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Brazil, New Zealand, and Sweden. Over the weekend, another mass death occurred in Britain as thousands of crabs washed ashore.
About 40,000 Velvet or ‘devil’ crabs dotted British shores Sunday, according to The Guardian.
Experts believe the crab deaths and the New Zealand fish found dead in New Zealand's Chesapeake Bay are due to nothing more than record cold temperatures.
“We suspect that climate change and warmer weather has lured the crabs towards the shoreline,” said Coastal Warden Tony Sykes.
The other incidences of recent mass wildlife deaths are still being examined, however, the U.S. Geological Survey notes there may be as many as 16 cases in the last 20 years of larger numbers of blackbirds dying in mass.
Experts also note that fish kills are quite common and may be due to disease or human causes such as the dumping of hazardous waste.
Currently, scientists theorize the 5,000 blackbird deaths on New Year’s Eve in Arkansas were due to the birds becoming confused and frightened by fireworks.
To see a video report regarding the crab deaths in Britain, click on the video player to the left of this article, or click here.
To see coverage of the Arkansas and Louisiana incidents by NBC Nightly News, click here, and here.
Want to read more US Headlines Examiner articles? Then subscribe to receive continuous updates as articles are published. You can also follow me on Twitter.
Who is this guy...?
Paid government disinformation spokesman!
Why would they just randomly die?
This is getting frickin crazy
oh, and for any future weird mass animal deaths... those are naturally caused.
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